I tried to join but got a notification that the webinar is full. I registered early and was approved, so why can’t I join?

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Due to our webinars becoming increasingly popular we had to add an attendee limit to our webinars. When you register for our webinar, and are subsequently approved, you can join the webinar, so long as it’s not full already. We are not able to “hold” a spot for you. If you try to join and receive a message that the webinar is full, please check the time. If it’s more than 30 minutes before the scheduled start time, then please try joining again no more than 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. If you try to join within that 30 minute window and receive a message that the webinar is full, please wait for a follow-up email. You should receive one within a day or two of the webinar. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

Previous I received a notification saying I missed the webinar, but I was watching with a co-worker, and that person was logged in. Can I still get CEU’s?
Next I was logged in to the webinar but lost my connection somehow and when I tried to join again the webinar was already full. What can I do?
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