If you're going to the ACI National Home Performance Conference in New Orleans May 4 - 7 then be sure
Southface is hosting a Beyond Residential Testing training event in conjunction with The Energy Conservatory (TEC) and Camroden Associates. This training
TEC has released a new version of its popular app, iTEC-700. This version will run on Windows-based computers and laptops, making
Diagnose problems in the building envelope with this simple, reliable tool. Air flowing in and out of a building can cause lots of problems;
The need to achieve high-performance buildings has prompted design changes that incorporate efficient use of energy and resources. One of these changes,
The same features that are often added to the top story of homes to give them distinctive architectural beauty can
  Over the last decade, many new techniques have evolved for improving the airtightness of existing homes. With this increased
Reinforcing the pressure barrier in low-rise multifamily buildings can increase occupants' comfort and savings. Multifamily buildings vary widely. They range from
The temperature of air affects its density.  When air heats up it expands, and when it cools it contracts. Because
I Did A Blower Door Test With The Wrong Ring Setting On My DG-700. Is There A Way To Calculate